Less than 3 weeks to the finishing line

Post date: Aug 14, 2011 5:20:56 PM

Over the last 3 - 4 weeks, I have read some encouraging posts and had some very constructive email/tel conversations with some of the teams, to say the least.

Some teams made their first dollar from strangers (you should be very proud of yourself), did a Proof-of-Concept etc, while others procrastinated or continue to find reasons/excuses (fine line) to procrastinate. Some made big promises/assumptions at the start and fell below expectations (again with various reasons/excuses), while others "Under Promise, and Over Deliver".

Come 3rd September 2011, make sure you don't look back with regrets as an individual, or find enough excuses to console yourself for not trying "hard" enough, or worse of all, self-pity.

In business, nobody owes you a living.

For most of you, keep up the good work!