Batch 16 & 17
Executive Summary
In EN101, Entrepreneurship & Accounting for New Ventures, you were introduced to concepts of entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation and the new venture creation process. You are also taught basic accounting principles as well as to understanding of Intellectual Property Management issues that the entrepreneur may face.
EN102, Marketing & Finance for New Ventures, looks at entrepreneurial marketing concepts & methods and explores high-risk finance. You would have also learn to select, develop, and evaluate new products / services, set prices to maximize profitability, and make the most efficient use of public elations and publicity during product launches and initial rollouts.
With the knowledge gain in EN101 and EN102, you were required to develop a business plan.
Planning is the first but operating the plan is the next. It is not easy to manage a venture with lots of unforeseen challenges. In En103, Managing New & Ongoing Ventures, you would have learned, through case study, the various challenges that new ventures face. Organizational behaviors is complex and you were taught aspect of growth management including leadership, motivation and human capital management.
EN104, New Venture Creation & the Business Plan, you were given a chance to put all that you have learn into practice through a virtual environment via an online business simulation platform.
In the nutshell, in EN101-103, you have gain useful knowledge of entrepreneurship and in EN104 you put in to test in a virtual environment.
EN105A you are expected to do "the REAL thing". Put all that you have gain into an entrepreneurial endeavor. You should not expect to be taught or spoon fed but expected to put knowledge into practice and be assessed. You should expect minimum guidance from instructors as it is not a test of the instructors' ability but yours.
In EN105A, students are required to launch a business venture, social enterprise or project of substantial entrepreneurial endeavour which, however small, exposes students to the application of business concepts. It is expected that students will form project teams. No capital investments are required whatsoever. Rather, the time invested in this project forms a key factor. However, should students choose to make capital investments, they can do so at their own risk. The project needs to be planned, presented to the instructor, and launched within 6 months as student-initiated business.
The progress of the project shall be tracked via the team blog. Every members MUST update the blog to share what were being done and learning points for mistakes made. Please note that while the project is done in team, assessment is individual.
Team blog are viewable by public but only editable by team members. So please share information carefully and diligently. To view the group blog, click on the group number below.
Group 1 (WeVente) Peer Appraisal (Group 1)
Group 2 (Elitez) Peer Appraisal (Group 2)
Group 3 (Deasky) Peer Appraisal (Group 3)
Group 4 (Trance) Peer Appraisal (Group 4)
Group 6 (Blitz) Peer Appraisal (Group 6)
Group 7 (In-Vitro) Peer Appraisal (Group 7)
Group 8 (alley) Peer Appraisal (Group 8)
Group 9 (The Cut) Peer Appraisal (Group 9)
Group 10 (DesignHub) Peer Appraisal (Group 10)
Group 11 (Aquaterz) Peer Appraisal (Group 11)
Group 12 (Mosaic Singapore) Peer Appraisal (Group 12)
Group 13 (HitchHiker's Guide) Peer Appraisal (Group 13)
Group 14 (Adventure Singapore) Peer Appraisal (Group 14)
Group 15 (GAHA Associates) Peer Appraisal (Group 15)
Group 16 (BizKid) Peer Appraisal (Group 16)
Group 17 (PocketAP Supply) Peer Appraisal (Group 17)
Group sites were no longer accessible
It had been decided by administrator of the site to archive all the group sites, including all the students' blogs, after 6 semesters from the end of the module. Given that the situation changed so fast and the contents would not be as useful after 3 years, we therefore decided to remove those contents from public to protect any foolishness, if any, in the writing of the blogs during the course.